A Personal Story of Conviction: Meet 9 year old Noah Powell
Stand-out athlete 9 year old Noah Powell was just like all of the other kids on the ice at the 2014 AAU National Ice Hockey Championships. He traveled with his family and team, the Illinois Jesters, to Minnesota to compete in the hopes of winning a national title, scoring goals, and overall dominating on the ice. Noah however, is NOT just an ordinary hockey player. Noah has mild to moderate bilateral hearing loss.
We met Noah and his team right before their AAA semifinal and would have never known of his challenges if it weren't for the coach notifying the referee at the start of the game of their "hard of hearing" player. Noah and his coach Mark Roy, who is also hard of hearing, use a device called an Assisted Listening Device (ALD) to help Noah hear coaching commands just like the rest of his team does. Noah has hearing aids he places directly into his ear canal while his coach has a small microphone he wears around his neck which projects his voice directly to Noah's hearing aids.
Noah's mom and dad, Maria Elena and Anthony, sat down with AAU to tell us a little bit about Noah's journey. Noah has been competing in the sport of hockey since he was just 4 years old. His parents were shocked to find out after a mandatory first grade hearing screening mandated by the state of Illinois where they live that Noah had mild to moderate hearing loss. He has the most trouble hearing middle conversational phonetic sound. His type of hearing loss can make it more challenging for him compared to others without hearing loss in and outside of the classroom. After discovering his hearing impairment, his school teachers began using an ALD so Noah could hear in the classroom.
Read More>>
Cast your Vote for America's Top Amateur Athlete
Based on the qualities of leadership, character, sportsmanship, and the ideals of amateurism, the AAU Sullivan Award goes beyond athletic accomplishments and honors those who have shown strong moral character. Review nominees and their biographies, then vote for your choice of America's Top Amateur Athlete!

For the full Press Release - Click Here
To cast your vote - Click Here
Register Before it's Too Late!
Deadlines are approaching for the AAU Folkstyle World Championships and the AAU Spring Youth Nationals!
The Folkstyle World Championships will be from March 21st - 23rd in Spearfish, SD. The deadline for pre-registration is March 14th. Afterwards, the entry fee will increase from $38 to $58 per athlete. To register online for the Folkstyle World Championships, CLICK HERE.
The Spring Youth Nationals in Kingsport, TN will also take place from March 21st - 23rd. The entry fee is $45 per athlete. The deadline to register is March 19th at 8pm CST. To make sure you secure your spot, CLICK HERE to register today!
RECAP: AAU Mite/Squirt National Championship
Last weekend, AAU Hockey hosted the Inaugural AAU Mite/Squirt National Championship in Minneapolis, MN. The event was a huge success and featured over 30 teams. Congratulations to everyone who participated, especially the newly crowned National Champions listed below:
Mite A - Florida Fire Ants
Mite AA - DSC Revolution
Mite AAA - Illinois Steel
Squirt - Minnesota Made Hockey Red
For the complete standings, CLICK HERE.
2nd Annual AAU Pre-Season National KickOff is Back
 AAU Tackle Football is happy to announce the 2nd Annual AAU Pre-Season National Kick-off! The event will be taking place from August 15th - 17th, 2014 in Little Rock, AR and is being hosted by former NFL receiver, Reggie Swinton. Participation is available for 8U, 10U, 12U, and 14U divisions. Ages are determined as of August 1st, 2014.
For more information or to register for the 2014 AAU Pre-Season National Kick-off, please visit www.aaufootball.org. |
AAU Athletics Grants are Now Available
The 2014 AAU Athletics Grants are now available! AAU Athletics offers its participants the opportunity to apply for the AAU Athletics Academic Excellence Grant or the AAU Athletics Chairman's Travel Grant.
The AAU Athletics Academic Excellence Grant shall be awarded to a currently enrolled AAU High School or documented Home Schooled athlete that has already or is currently scheduled to graduate from an accredited program in the current AAU competition year, and who have competed in an eligible (see criteria) AAU program for a minimum of two consecutive (2) years. A maximum of ten (10) grants will be awarded in increments of $500.00 for
3.05-3.75 GPA, $1000.00 (3.76 to 4.0 GPA) and $1500.00 (4.0 and above).
The AAU Athletics Chairman's Travel Grant shall be awarded in $500.00 increments to AAU Athletics clubs that have shown continuous support of the AAU Athletics national programs (AAU Cross Country Championships, AAU Indoor National Championships, AAU Club Championships, AAU Junior Olympic Games) by consistent attendance and participation.
To apply for one of these grants, please use the links below:
AAU Athletics Academic Excellence Grant
AAU Athletics Chairman's Travel Grant
2014 AAU Diving National Championships
The AAU Aquatics Committee is excited to announce the dates  and location for the 2014 AAU Diving National Championships! This year's event will be held at the Georgia Institute of Technology Aquatics Center in Atlanta, GA on July 20-27, 2014. The AAU Aquatics Committee is thrilled to host this event in the Venue of the 1996 Olympics. This will be a great experience for our participants.
For more information visit www.diveaau.org |
AAU Beach Volleyball Schedule
The AAU Beach Volleyball Season is starting! Look for an event near you and participate today. Participate in a qualifying eventto grab your chance to compete in the West CoastAAUJuniorOlympic Games Beach Volleyball Championships or plan for the upcoming National Championship. We want to see you out on the beach court!
Click here for the Beach Schedule.
For more information visit www.aaubeach.org
The West Hartford Magic Will Host the Summer Jam
 This tournament will be for both boys and girls in Division I and II from the 4th through the 12th grades. On June 7th and 8th, three cities in Connecticut (West Hartford, Hartford and Avon) will be home to the AAU Basketball Summer Jam, hosted by the West Hartford Magic. The entry fee for this event is $395 per team, but if you register 2 or more teams, there will be a multiple team discount.
The basketball games will follow high school rules and will have two 16-minute halves with a stop clock. Board refs will oversee all of the games. Each team will play a minimum of three games and winners will receive t-shirts.
For more information, CLICK HERE. |
Qualify for the AAU Golf National Championships
Stonebridge Golf Club in Lakeland, Tennessee will be the home of the AAU 2014 Golf Regional Qualifier this year!  Competition will begin on Friday, June 20th at 8AM. All ages from 10U and 18U are welcome to participate. Awards will be presented after completion of each round and the male and female overall winners earn the automatic entry of choice to 2014 or 2015 National Championship. Prizes of golf clubs and Bridgestone golf balls will be awarded to silver and bronze medalists. Lunch will also be included for all athletes.
The entry fee to compete is $50 per athlete and this tournament will only accept the first 96 members who register. Spots will go fast, so don't procrastinate! Completed entry forms, with entry fee, must be received by Wednesday, June 17th.
For the entry form and more information, CLICK HERE. |
Don't Miss the Oregon AAU State Championships On March 14th through 16th, Oregon AAU will hold their State Championship for AAU Boys' Basketball. This event will include boys from the 1st grade through the 6th. There is a four game minimum of pool play followed by bracket play and first and second place teams in each division will receive trophies and medals. The entry deadline has already passed for this event.
Good luck to everyone participating! Share your photos and videos with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! |
Join the Chaos in the March Mayhem Classic
On March 14th-16th, mayhem will be coming to Longwood and  Lake Mary, Florida for the March Mayhem Classic. 4th through 12th grade boys will be able to attend this tournament after paying an entry fee of $200 per team. This entry fee is due by March 12th and will guarantee each team a three game minimum. Trophies will be given to the first and second place teams in each age division.
Celebrate Memorial Day with AAU Baseball
The Maine Memorial Day Weekend Tournament will make its debut on May 24-26 in Augusta,  Maine. This event will feature 11U and 12U baseball teams who will play their hardest to take home the first place prize - a fall weekend stay with Baseball Games at Mini-Fenway!
The entry fee to participate is $600 per team, due by March 31st. That entry fee will guarantee a five game minimum of pool play followed by bracket play. There is a 16 TEAM LIMIT, so don't wait to register until the last minute! Game balls are included and there will be two umpires overseeing every game.
CLICK HERE for the tournament flyer |
Strictly Hoops Hosts 12th Annual AAU Cal Classic
The Cal Classic is a part of the Girls' Basketball AAU Pacific  District Tournament Series and is split into two tournaments. In its 12th year, this tournament will be in Marin County, California at various gyms. 4th grade through Varsity level teams are welcome to attend. The entry fee per team is $300, which guarantees each team a three game minimum.
The AAU Cal Classic I will feature boys' basketball on April 5th and 6th and the AAU Cal Classic II will host girls' basketball on May 31st and June 1st.
For more information on this event or to register,
Definition of a Missouri AAU Triple Crown Wrestling Champion
An AAU registered wrestler in the Blue/Experienced Division who won the Championship in the Ozark District Championship; the Missouri National Challenge; and the Missouri State AAU Championship during one-year (season) of competition.
The wrestler must have had 1 or more competitors in his/her bracket in each of the three Triple Crown Events.
For example, a wrestler who is the only entry in a weight class would NOT qualify for the Triple Crown Award. If he/she wants to compete for the Triple Crown Award, he/she should change to a Weight Class that has at least one other competitor.
Complete the Attached Application and return it by March 14.
Jack Crider
OR 232 N. Kingshighway Blvd., #1502, St. Louis, MO 63108
New Jersey Taekwondo District Championship
On April 26th, Rider University will host the 2014 New Jersey District Championship. This tournament will feature Olympic Sparring (with KP&P for all 10-32 Black Belts), Point Sparring and Forms and will be a qualifier for the 2014 AAU National Championships in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
The entry fee for one or two events will be $75 and $100 for three events. Pre-registration is MANDATORY and all registrations must be received by April 7th.
Beautiful Custom Medals will be awarded for first, second and third place winners. All athletes will receive a participation award
RECAP: 2014 AAU Volleyball Classic
That's a wrap for the AAU Volleyball Classic! On March 8th and 9th, more than 100 girls' volleyball teams flooded the Orlando area for this two day event. The HP Fieldhouse and the Josten's Center at ESPN Wide World of Sports combined for a total of 20 courts and were both home to this event. It was a fun-filled weekend of great volleyball!
We had talent from the 11U all the way through 18U and it was a blast to watch these girls play! At the end of the tournament, only one team from each division was able to take home the gold, though.
Click here to view award photos
Click here to view list of champions from each age group
RECAP: Puerto Rico Grand Prix
On March 1st and 2nd, AAU Volleyball members traveled to San Juan, Puerto Rico to participate in the 2014 AAU Volleyball Puerto Rico Grand Prix! Ages ranged from 11U all the way through 18U and divisions were split into two in this two day event. More than 80 teams competed to claim the trophy but only one team in each age group took it home.
Click here to view award photos
Click here to view the list of champions.
Apply for the USA Jr. Inline Hockey Team
USARS USA Roller Hockey is offering YOU the chance to apply for the USA Junior Inline Hockey Team. To be eligible, you must be under 19 years of age, qualify by gender, be a current member of USA Roller Sports and be a U.S. Citizen. Athletes will be required to cover the entire cost of participation and pay an application fee of $25 plus the $50 cost of USARS membership. A total of $600 paid to USARS will cover the athlete's cost of hotel (shared room) with 3 meals, ground transportation, apparel and travel insurance. The deadline to apply is March 31st and the team selection will be completed on April 4th. Each team will consist of up to 16 members, including two goalies.
Both the VIII FIRS Junior Men Inline Hockey World Championships and II FIRS Junior Women Inline Hockey World Championships will be in Toulouse, France. The men's inline hockey team will arrive on Sunday, June 29th, official training will begin on Monday, June 30th and competition will take place on Tuesday, July 1st through Saturday, July 6.
As the men are finishing up their competition, the women will be arriving on July 6th. Official practice will begin on July 7th and competition will start on Tuesday, July 8 and continue until Saturday, July 13th.
For more information and to view the application, CLICK HERE.
Is YOUR Sport in the 2014 AAU Junior Olympic Games?
The AAU Junior Olympic Games will be in Des Moines, Iowa this year! This awesome event will kick off on July 22nd and the action will continue all the way until August 2nd. Twenty-three sports will take over eight different venues over the 12-day span. The sports of Baseball, 3x3 Basketball, Cricket, Kung Fu and 3v3 Soccer are new additions to this year's event. A full schedule of events is below, please visit www.aaujrogames.org for more information.
ALL participants must be pre-registered for their event by the specific sport deadline. For a complete list of information on fees, deadlines, forms and registration information for your sport, CLICK HERE.
Spectator admission tickets are available for purchase onsite at the competition venues. Length of event passport tickets will include admission into ALL competition throughout the AAU Junior Olympic Games and will cost $40. Daily passes will include admission to all competition venues on that designated day only and are available for $12.
Read The Full Story>>
Aiken Warriors Host Multiple Events
The Aiken Warriors have a busy spring and summer ahead of them! They will be hosting three separate tournaments, one each in April, May and June in Aiken, South Carolina.
The first is the 2014 AAU National Boys' Basketball Super Regional Championship on April 25 - 27. This tournament will feature boys' teams in the 3rd, 4th and 7th - 11th grade. This event has an entry fee of $300, which is due by April 11th. Each team will receive a three game minimum once they have registered and the third game could be in either pool or bracket play. You can pay your entry fee online at www.aauboysbasketball.org in the "Online Team Roster" system or you can mail your cashier's checks or money orders to the Aiken Warriors at PO Box 5461, Aiken, SC 29804. For more information, check out the INFO PACKET HERE.
The second event is the War in the Gardens 2 in Graniteville, South Carolina on May 16 - 18. This event will be for boys and girls in the 3rd through 12th grades. The entry fee for this tournament is only $200, due by May 9th. Each registered team will be guaranteed a three game minimum of pool play followed by bracket play and the first and second place teams in each age division will be awarded trophies and medals. For more information on this event, view the INFO PACKET HERE.
The last event that the Aiken Warriors will be hosting is the Warriors House Pre-Nationals Warm-Up Invitational. This event will be from June 6 - 8 and will include both boys and girls from the 3rd - 12th grade. The entry fee to participate will be only $200, due by May 29th. There will be a three game minimum of pool play followed by bracket play for all registered teams and trophies and medals will be awarded to the first and second place team in each age division.
For more on this event, CLICK HERE.
Coral Springs Hosts Three Super Regionals
AAU Boys' Basketball will be taking over Coral Springs, Florida in March, May and June for the 2014 AAU National Boys' Basketball Super Regional Championship.
The first tournament will be on March 21 - 23 for 4th through 12th grade teams in Division I and II. Each team that has registered will have a three game guarantee, with the third game being in either pool play or the first round of bracket play. Unfortunately, the entry deadline has already passed for this event. Good luck to everyone participating and don't forget to send us your pictures and videos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more information on this event, view the INFO PACKET HERE.
The second event will be from May 30 - June 1 for 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades in Division I and II. The entry fee for this event is $350, due by May 16th. Each team that registers will receive a three game guarantee, with their third game either being in pool play or bracket play. For more information on this event, view the INFO PACKET HERE
The final tournament will be from June 6 - 8 for 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade teams in Divisions I and II. The entry fee for this tournament is also $350, but is due by May 23rd. Like the other events, there is a three game guarantee with the third game being played in either pool or bracket play.
For more information on this event, view the INFO FLYER HERE |
Mariners shortstop Brad Miller "a coach's dream"
TAVARES, Fla. - Avoiding the spotlight has become a habit for three-time all-star outfielder Chet Lemon since retiring from baseball two decades ago with a World Series ring.
He turned down throwing out the first pitch in Detroit during the 2011 American League Championship Series. He balked at baseball fantasy camps with Kirk Gibson, Alan Trammell, Lou Whitaker and others from his Tigers squad that won it all back in 1984.
All to remain here in the Orlando area and coach his "Juice" clubs of AAU baseball members. For Lemon, 58, commitment and loyalty are traits he instills in teenagers who often drive hours each way, twice a week, for practices with Chet Lemon's Juice, a summer travel team that's gained cult status among anyone who knows about amateur baseball in this state.
And among the "Juice' alumni including Prince Fielder, Rickie and Jemile Weeks, Casey Kotchman and Matt LaPorta, there's one player Lemon says he has all day to talk about: Mariners shortstop Brad Miller.
"That guy," Lemon said, "is one day going to be the guy all those other players in that (Mariners) clubhouse look up to."
Lemon doesn't give those words away. He grew up with little in South Central Los Angeles, works hard for his teams and demands the same. His players don't pay registration or equipment fees, but know to turn in their uniform if they miss a practice.
Lemon's life changed after being diagnosed with polycythemia, an incurable blood disease that forced his retirement from the majors after 15 seasons in 1991, then nearly killed him several times since. Medication allows him to live in relatively stable fashion between the more serious bouts.
The near-death experiences helped Lemon realize his calling: coaching and grooming young players on what it takes to make the majors. He began doing it soon after retirement, with a message setting him apart.
Read More>> |
AAU Spring Classic is Coming to Sunny Florida
Orlando, Florida will be home to the AAU Spring Classic on April 4th through the 6th for 2nd through 12th grade teams. The registration deadline has recently been extended through March 12th! Another extension will not happen, so register NOW! The entry fee is $425 and all tournament registration will be online. You can find the registration link below.
AAU Boys' Basketball members will get the opportunity to play at the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex on Disney property. To make it even more enticing, the top four finishers in each grade division in all tournaments will receive a conditional bid into the 2014 AAU Boys Basketball National Championships. AAU medals and trophies will be awarded to first and second place teams.
CLICK HERE to view the event flyer and info packet. |
Mile High Tournament Series
AAU Volleyball
February 8 - May 17, 2014
Denver, CO
Entry Deadline: Varies
Complete Info Flyer
 As a member of the Amateur Athletic Union, you can save with special discounts on Nationwide®
auto insurance. Click here to take advantage of your exclusive members-only
discount or call
Maine Hoops Invitationals
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
March 8- June 21, 2014
New England District Area
Entry Deadline: Varied
Complete Info Flyer
Oregon AAU State Championships
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 14- 16, 2014
Cottage Grove, OR
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
March Mayhem Classic
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 14- 16, 2014
Longwood, Lake Mary, FL
Entry Deadline: March 12, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Annual Invitational Track Meet
AAU Athletics
March 15, 2014
Houston, TX
Entry Deadline: Varied
Complete Info Flyer
Pentagon AAU Grand Prix
AAU Volleyball
March 15-16, 2014
Sanford Pentagon, Sioux Falls, SD
Entry Deadline: Contact
Complete Info Flyer
Lynnwood's St. Paddy's Day
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 15-16, 2014
Edmonds, WA
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Fairfield Ballers & Oakland Soldiers Collaboration
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
March 15-16, 2014
Fairfield, CA
Entry Deadline: March 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Texas Volleyball Tour's 2014 Junior Beach Series
AAU Volleyball
March 15-16, 2014
San Antonio, TX
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
14 Annual George Tedino Memorial Tournament
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 22 - 23, 2014
Warwick, RI
Entry Deadline: Until Full
Complete Info Flyer
3rd Annual Texas Stallions Relays
AAU Athletics
March 29, 2014
Spring, TX
Entry Deadline: March 29, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Seattle Stars Classic
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 22-23, 2014
Seattle, WA
Entry Deadline: Not given
Complete Info Flyer
AAU Indoor Spring Beach Volleyball Clinic
AAU Volleyball
March 22, 2014
Aurora, IL
Entry Deadline: March 8, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Inland Empire Basketball
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
March 21 - May 11, 2014
Yakima, WA
Entry Deadline: Varied
Clickable Image
Kings Classic Invitational
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 28 - 29, 2014
Gainesville, FL
Entry Deadline: March 23, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Dynasty Hoops Club Showcase
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
March 28 - 30, 2014
Orlando, FL
Entry Deadline: March 21, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Carolina AAU NE NC Open Championship
AAU Taekwondo
March 29, 2014
Hertford, NC
Entry Deadline: Contact Meet Director
Complete Info Flyer
MVA Spring Kickoff
AAU Volleyball
March 29, 2014 (12-14)
March 30, 2014 (15-18)
Grand Rapids, MI
Entry Deadline: March 24, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 BABC Tipoff
AAU Boys' Basketball
March 29 - 30, 2014
Mansfield, MA
Entry Deadline: March 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
7th Annual HOOP 4 Life Shootout
AAU Girls' Basketball
March 29 - 30, 2014
Hattiesburg, MS
Entry Deadline: March 21, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Tallahassee Hoopfest
AAU Girls' Basketball
April 5 - 6, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
Entry Deadline: March 24, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
11th Annual Showdown In
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 5 - 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
Entry Deadline: March 26, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Oakland Rebels Finest Easter Invitational 2014
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 5 - 6, 2014
Oakland, CA
Entry Deadline: March 28, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Show Down In O-Town
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 11 - 13, 2014
Orlando, FL
Entry Deadline: April 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
9th Annual Chico Springtime Showcase
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 12 - 13, 2014
Chico, CA
Entry Deadline: March 28, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Hoopfest of Tallahassee
AAU Boys' Basketball
April 12 - 13, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
Entry Deadline: March 24, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
16th Annual Run n Gun Classic
AAU Boys' Basketball
April 12 - 13, 2014
Binghamton, NY
Entry Deadline: March 31, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
43 Hoops AAU Girls Basketball Easter Bash
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 18 - 19, 2014
Twin Cities, MN
Entry Deadline: March 31, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
AAU Montana District Qualifier
April 19, 2014
Kalispell, MT
Entry Deadline: April 15, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Warriors House Super Regional
AAU Boys' Basketball
April 25 – 27, 2014
Aiken, SC
Entry Deadline: April 11, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Kings Tip–Off Invitational
AAU Boys' Basketball
April 25 – 27, 2014
Gainesville, FL
Entry Deadline: April 18, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Dynasty Hoops Club Classic
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
April 25 – 27, 2014
Orlando, FL
Entry Deadline: April 18, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
15th Annual Rochester Rumble
AAU Boys' Basketball
April 26 – 27, 2014
Rochester, NY
Entry Deadline: April 15, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Tallahassee Hoopfest
AAU Girls' Basketball
April 26 – 27, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
Entry Deadline: April 14, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Texas Volleyball Tour's 2014 Junior Beach Series
AAU Volleyball
April 26 – 27, 2014
Austin, TX
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Wisconsin Girls' Gymnastics Championships & National Qualifier
AAU Girls' Gymnastics
April 26 – 27, 2014
Reedsburg, WI
Entry Deadline: March 10, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
South Texas AAU Qualifier
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 2-4, 2014
San Antonio, TX
Entry Deadline: April 27, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Florida Volleyball Regionals
AAU Volleyball
May 3-4, 2014 (ages 10-14)
May 10-11, 2014 (ages 15-18)
Orlando, FL
Entry Deadline: April 9, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Carolina AAU Qualifier Championship
AAU Taekwondo
May 10, 2014
Concord, NC
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Oklahoma AAU State, Youth, Middle School, High School, Juniors, Open, Master Powerlifting Push/Pull, Bench Press, Deadlift Championships
AAU Powerlifting
May 10 - 11, 2014
Tulsa, OK
Entry Deadline:May 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
5th Annual War at the Shore
AAU Girls' Basketball
May 10 - 11, 2014
Scituate & Cohasset, MA
Entry Deadline:May 3, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
MVA Spring Fling
AAU Volleyball
May 10 - 11, 2014
Grand Rapids, MI
Entry Deadline: April 27, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Fairfield Ballers Mother's Day Blast #11
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
May 10, 2014 (one day)
Grand Rapids, MI
Entry Deadline: May 2, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
War In The Gardens II
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
May 16 - 19, 2014
Graniteville, SC
Entry Deadline: May 9, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Dynasty Hoops Club Hoopfest
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 16 - 18, 2014
Orlando, FL
Entry Deadline: May 9, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Head for the Hills
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
May 17 - 18, 2014
Fitchburg, MA
Entry Deadline: May 10, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Arizona Boys' District State Championships
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 16 - 18, 2014
Phoenix, AZ
Entry Deadline: May 10, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
AAU Kentucky State Championship
AAU Taekwondo
May 17, 2014
Fort Mitchell, KY
Entry Deadline: (early) May 3, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Connecticut Starters Classic
AAU Girls' Basketball
May 17 & 18, 2014
Wallingford & Hartford, CT
Entry Deadline: May 5, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
AAU Jacket Classic VII
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
May 17 & 18, 2014
Milton, VT
Entry Deadline: May 10, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
West Coast Volleyball Championships
AAU Volleyball
May 24-26, 2014
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV
Entry Deadline: Contact Meet Director
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Memorial Day Tournament
AAU Girls' Basketball
May 24 – 26, 2014
Beaverton, OR
Entry Deadline: April 28, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Hoopgames of Tallahassee
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 24 – 26, 2014
Tallahassee, FL
Entry Deadline: May 12, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Inaugural Maine Memorial Day Weekend
AAU Baseball
May 24 – 26, 2014
Augusta, MA
Entry Deadline: March 31, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Mile High Super Regional Volleyball Tournament
AAU Volleyball
May 30 – 31, 2014
Denver, CO
Entry Deadline: May 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
9th Annual South East Challenge
AAU Girls' Basketball
May 30 – June 1, 2014
Murfeesboro, TN
Entry Deadline: May 24, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Seacoast Shootout I
AAU Girls' Basketball
May 31 – June 1, 2014 Durham, NH
Entry Deadline: May 17, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 AAU Northeast Regional Gymnastics Meet
AAU Gymnastics
May 31 – June 1, 2014
Windsor, CT
Entry Deadline: May 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Solar Explosion
AAU Volleyball
May 31 – June 1, 2014
Tavares, FL
Entry Deadline: May 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Annual District Championship
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 31 – June 1, 2014
McAlester, OK
Entry Deadline: May 23, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Coaches vs Cancer ROC city Cager Classic
AAU Boys' Basketball
May 31 – June 1, 2014
Rochester, NY
Entry Deadline: May 20, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Warriors House Pre - Nationals Warm - Up
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
June 6 - 8, 2014
Graniteville, SC
Entry Deadline: May 29, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Summer Jam
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
June 7 - 8, 2014
West Hartford, Hartfor, Avon, CT
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
Seacoast Shootout II
AAU Girls' Basketball
June 14 - 15, 2014
Durham, NH
Entry Deadline: June 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 MJVBA AAU Midwest Beach Volleyball Championships
AAU Volleyball
June 15, 2014
Holland, MI
Entry Deadline: June 14, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
2014 Summer Blastoff
AAU Volleyball
June 15, 2014
Holland, MI
Entry Deadline: June 14, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
(coming soon)
The Baller Academy Summer Blastoff
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
June 20-22, 2014
Entry Deadline: June 7, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
Wolfpack Wood Bat Summer Blast
AAU Baseball
June 28 – 29, 2014
Entry Deadline: April 1, 2014
Complete Info Flyer
AAU 2014 Golf Regional Qualifier
AAU Golf
June 20, 2014
Lakeland, TN
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
Big Mountain JAM
"All Under One Roof"
AAU Boys' & Girls' Basketball
June 26-28, 2014
Sandy, UT
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer
Chicago AAU Juniors
Beach Volleyball Camp Series
AAU Beach Volleyball
July 7-24, 2014
Lisle, IL & Palatine, IL
Entry Deadline: TBA
Complete Info Flyer